You Can Regain a Good Credit Score After BK 7 or 13

Here is what no one talks about, what actions steps should you take after a BK to regain a good credit score. Here are the steps. The credit bureaus don’t work for you, they work for the creditors and they only report what the creditors report to them. Unless you use the laws in your favor, […]

I Worked with a Couple for Three Years to Help Them Buy a Home

These new music teachers walk into a sales office and want to buy a new home. It takes three years and they move into their dream home! Their life has never been the same since! Because of their hard work they have significant success today!   Welcome to The Mike Litton Experience Podcast! Mike has over […]

I was Turned Down for the First Home Loan I Ever Applied For

I was referred to a loan officer who I applied with and the company turned me down. I even had perfect credit! I decided that I could do a much better job than him! So I get into the mortgage business and it was the best career decision of my life!  Don’t give up! Don’t […]

Parents Get Involved in your Child’s Education

As our children grew up we made sure we were involved in their school activities and we were certain to meet, get to know and support their teachers. We are our children’s biggest fans and we had to learn the hard way to have a united front with their teachers. Here’s to you having the […]

Madison’s Dad T-shirt

My daughter Madison is well known in our community a fact that is revealed yo me! This amazing girl we nicknamed #The Mayor of Escondido” learned how much her dad loves being “Madison’s dad”. This is how we show our children how we feel about them through our actions. Welcome to The Mike Litton Experience […]

Michael Goes Out for Football

We never told our children what they could or couldn’t do as an extra curricular activity growing up. We let them choose what they want, Let them experience it and we let them feel our support. Most especially we need to always set and maintain standards for our children and be consistent. Let them do […]

Interview with Mr. Alan Nevin

We had the privilege of meeting with Alan Nevin to interview him. We spoke about Alan’s life story, his book The Great Divide and his new book The Next Half Century that is scheduled to be available September 15, 2023. We even had the opportunity to talk about his next book that should be finished […]

Standards in Raising our Kids Behavior

Being consistent and setting a high standards is the key in raising your children. Welcome to The Mike Litton Experience Podcast! Mike has over 31 years experience in real estate, finance and investing! He’s passionate about being a father, a teacher, a Realtor, an investor and a leader! Everyone has a story and our passion […]

What’s your Job? “Be nice”

This is how we used the Socratic method teach our children how to resolve conflict and discouraged arguments. Welcome to The Mike Litton Experience Podcast! Mike has over 31 years experience in real estate, finance and investing! He’s passionate about being a father, a teacher, a Realtor, an investor and a leader! Everyone has a […]