Powerful Motivational Speaker Starts Foundation!
Jessica Cox was born and raised in Sierra Vista, Arizona with a population of 8,000. She loved to play outside with her friends. That sense of community meant everything to her. She graduated from The University of Arizona and has become one of the best and most powerful motivational speakers in the world! Jessica is best […]
Rockstar Researcher Revolutionizes Wound Healing
Franco Kraiselburd was born in Boston and grew up in Brazil where he discovered his love of research. He learned his values and work ethic from his parents. “Franco is a 4th-year Biomedical Engineering student at Case Western Reserve University. Franco begun his scientific career at the early age of 12, and has spent the last 9 years dedicating his life […]
Rockstar Mom Writes Book That Inspires
AnneMoss Rogers is a mental health speaker, suicide prevention speaker, mental health education expert, trainer, and consultant. After her 20-year-old son, Charles died by suicide in 2015, AnneMoss chronicled her family’s tragedy in a newspaper article that went viral. She is the author of the award-winning memoir, Diary of a Broken Mind and the best seller, Emotionally Naked: A Teacher’s Guide […]
Podcaster Helps Clients Learn About Themselves
Casey Marriott was born and raised in Australia and has lived in countries all around the world. She has discovered how to help her clients learn about themselves. She started a podcast: “If you don’t fit the system, then create a system that fits you. These podcasts help you understand what makes you different, so […]
Nuclear Expert Applies For Ground Breaking Patent!
Noah Healy was born and raised in Charlottesville, Virginia. He excelled at math from an early age and he completed two years of college classes before he graduated from High School. After high school, he attended the University of Virginia. He has developed a ground breaking technology that makes financial markets more efficient and he has been […]
Successful Author Writes Amazing Book!
Rahul Karan Sharma was born and raised in India. He learned his values and amazing work ethic from his parents. From Rahul: “Our thoughts can either make or break us, and in this transformative book, renowned personal growth expert Rahul Karan Sharma shows you how to harness the power of your mind to unlock the […]
Former DEA Agent Starts Fentanyl Battling Non-Profit!
Brian Townsend was born in Stuttgart, Germany and was raised in Virginia. He learned his work ethic and values from his dad and mom growing up. Brian Townsend is an international speaker, trainer, and consultant with extensive experience in a variety of settings. For 28 years, Brian has served in law enforcement roles at both the local […]
HR Executive Recognized For Excellence!
Juan Betancourt was born in Virginia and raised in Maryland. He was raised with very high standards by his parents which have been a vital part of his life ever since. He graduated from Harvard, earned his graduate degrees from Wharton and he has worked with some of the top corporations in the world. Seven […]
Marketing Executive Becomes Author!
Sal Panicci was born and raised in New Jersey where he lives today. He learned an amazing work ethic growing up. From Sal: “I’m a boomer; Seton Hall University Suma graduate; worked in industrial advertising for many years; worked for Toys“R”Us for over 25 years in the stores, area office, and corporate; was a Retail Development […]
Author and Coach Champions Over Depression!
Melissa Drake was born and raised in Des Moines Iowa. She experienced severe depression for over 7 years after her parents passed. She found a way through facebook groups, coaching and dance to triumph over her circumstances in a major way. Melissa is the author of The Orgasmic Entrepreneur and TranscenDANCE. An entrepreneur, proud single mama, certified […]