Father Dolan, born in an orphanage, combines a background of being a chemist – a man of science – with being a man of faith — and that of a patriot – having served as the first Catholic US Army Chaplain General of the Army National Guard. He was coaxed out of retirement to run three parishes at present. He holds a Ph.D. in Chemistry – and a Doctor of Sacred Theology. He is well decorated for his distinguished military service and has met with the Pope several times as an ordained priest of the Roman Catholic Church.
Regarding his books: “Was medieval Celtic magic simply rudimentary science or was it artful deception or was it diabolical assistance or was it parapsychology or an older form of “new age” practices – or some combination of all of these influences on human belief and behavior? “Whatever it was, some grew in their ability to use it (from just a few simple spells as beginners to many and powerful spells as masters) and paved the way for modern science, medicine and engineering in the process. “We don’t know what happened to these Celtic and Norse colonists who might have been here but who left little trace in these areas of Kentucky strangely uninhabited by any of the nearby Indian tribes when Europeans came again over the Appalachians. Perhaps the following (purely fictional) story from those same mountains and the “knobs” in the area between the Ohio and Cumberland Rivers comes as close to the truth as any explanation found so far. You be the judge.” – Excerpted, Introduction to Traces of Magic Little is known about who lived in pre-colonial, 14th century America, where Kentucky now exists. Norse and Celtic colonists might have been there, yet they left some traces in a Kentucky that was strangely uninhabited by any of the nearby Indian tribes when Europeans arrived over the Appalachians. Reverend Patrick Dolan has now crafted a four-book folklore series that imagines what powers and forces may have done battle seven centuries ago in the area between the Ohio and Cumberland Rivers. He poses a riveting tale of battles and magical struggles for the soul of the Bluegrass area. Will good or evil win out? Traces of Magic blends elements of folklore literature, science, history, military adventure, fantasy, and religion. It is about four young adults of various backgrounds dealing with the challenges of their lives in a 1300’s Welsh colony in pre-colonial America. One is both clergy and scientist (which back then was a Medicine Man or magic user), another is a holy knight (almost with monk-like devotion), the other is very “off-grid” who then was considered a barbarian, and the final one is a ranger with great curiosity (almost thief-like temptations). They use their combined limited abilities to battle against both human evil and other evils that others have let into the world.”
Thank you for being our guest on The Mike Litton Experience Father! We are so proud of you!
For more information about his books visit: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Rev.-Patrick-J.-Dolan/author/B07MCWZQH1?ref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true

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