Mark Doherty was born in Chicago Illinois and was raised in a suburb of Chicago called Calumet City Illinois. He was the oldest of seven kids. He grew up with an almost debilitating case of fear and anxiety that lasted into his later years of his life. He survived cancer and in the process did not eat solid food for over six months and as he tells it his body just reset itself and the fear and anxiety went away and did not return. He wrote two books one titled Reset and another I’m a Genius…Just Ask Me! RegardingReset:”Fear can be a great motivator, but it can also kill you if the fear becomes so powerful, it takes over to the point of destroying your life. Since early childhood, I feared my father. Ultimately, fear and anxiety became a constant for me. For decades I suffered from severe anxiety and panic attacks. I faked my way through life until it all turned into cancer at the age of 48. Six years later at 54, my colon burst during a routine colonoscopy sending me into a period of medical trauma than nearly killed me. In the process, somehow, my body RESET. Not only did I recover but also lost all the fear and anxiety that dominated my life for 60 years. This book should be read by anyone who:

  • had or is recovering from cancer
  • experienced generational abuse
  • suffers from fear, anxiety and panic attacks
  • Felt alone believing that only you suffered from a problem you had
  • needs to believe in themself
  • needs a “Never Give up” attitude – perseverance
  • needs to learn what it takes to move forward and be resilient

Everybody has a story. This is mine. I hope it shows that you too, can live a great life if you just keep at it.”

Regarding I’m a Genius…Just Ask Me!: “Isn’t it most everyone’s goal to have a $1 million dollars in a bank account prior to retiring? I know I did but never thought it possible until I read a book and invested in LEAPS options. In 2020, as COVID shut down the world, I started to invest in options that turned my IRA account balance from $550k to $1.7 million in less than a year. This book is about how that happened.

The book also delves into my personal life and habits, how I made my way through the world and learned some valuable lessons along the way. This is a book about personal accountability, how I made a ton of money but lost more than half of it. During that period, I gained a lot of personal knowledge about what I did wrong and how to fix it.

While many people see themselves as victims that can’t or won’t change their habits to better themselves, well, I am not one of them. If you want to be mediocre and skate along in life, this is not a book for you. If you want to get motivated and learn something along the way, then read on.”

Thank you for being our guest on The Mike Litton Experience Mark! You are the man!

To buy Mark’s books visit:

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Welcome to The Mike Litton Experience Podcast! Mike has over 31 years experience in real estate, finance and investing! He’s passionate about being a father, a teacher, a Realtor, an investor and a leader! Everyone has a story and our passion is to help them tell it! We never want you to miss an episode, so please be sure to subscribe. Could we ask you for two quick favors? If you like our program, please tell a friend. Wherever you get your podcasts please leave us a rating. It helps us to connect with quality people just like you! Reach out to Mike on Instagram @littonrealty! Want to meet with Mike? Check out! Thank you for joining us for The Mike Litton Experience!

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