Jalisa Hardy was born and raised in Buffalo, New York. She learned her values and work ethic from her family. She enjoyed being near her family as she grew up. Her mom was the most influential person to her.
Minister Jalisa Ray is the epitome of an overcomer. She is the CEO/Founder of Jalisa Ray International where she is a holistic wealth coach to millennial women on their journey to financial freedom. Born into less than ideal conditions in the ghetto of Buffalo, NY, she didn’t allow her upbringing to cause her to become a statistic. When she learned to write at a young age she used it as an outlet for life’s many challenges. Being sexually abused as a young child, she wanted to find an outlet. For her a positive outlet became writing. Min. Ray has written and performed poetry, plays, skits, stories, speeches, sermons, and still uses journaling as self-care to this day At 10 years old her parents moved the family to Laurel, Maryland where her journey to find freedom began. With more trials and tribulations happening as she got older, it wasn’t until age 20 when she was finally able to begin to tell someone all she had been through. Her first book It’s All in Me! was a long time coming. Through some setbacks and hang-ups it was finally published and released in February of 2018. She is excited to share her story with the world of how she overcome by the grace of God all, of her tragedies, trials, and tribulations. In her first book, she literally bares it all from start to finish, every embarrassing detail. All about her life, in hopes that her journey to freedom will help the masses on their journey to freedom as well. Min. Ray has accomplished many things in her life with education, organizations, and more but her biggest accomplishment so far is this book. She knows that many people will begin and make great strides on their journey to freedom from reading this book. She takes no credit for anything, any compliment she gets for her accomplishments will be returned with an, All glory to God. She knows that without Him nothing that she’s accomplished would be possible.
According to Jalisa regarding her book: “This book is a memoir about all that I had to overcome to realize that I had everything I needed within me to succeed in life and ministry. I have had to overcome a lot to get on my journey to freedom and living abundantly. I tried to turn to many outside sources but it all led back to me and what God had placed within me. He showed me that I am my purpose and that everything that I need to fulfill my purpose is within me. He’s given me a testimony that is like no other. Some things were done to me, others I did to myself. Instead of worry about who’s fault these things were, I decided to take responsibility for it all. I took responsibility by turning my pain into purpose. Part of which is this book.”


Thank you for being our guest on The Mike Litton Experience Jalisa! You are such a miracle!
To buy Jalisa’s amazing book visit: https://a.co/d/6nyfiHV.
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