John Sapiente was born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago. He took over his family’s business and purchased a distressed business. He had both businesses running very well and he had an epiphany on Memorial day where he realized the real meaning of the holiday. He decided that he was going to figure out a way to support a patriotic charity in the most meaningful way. What a story! Thank you John for being our guest on The Mike Litton Experience! We are super proud of you! To support John’s patriotic mission visit
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Welcome to The Mike Litton Experience Podcast! Mike has over 31 years experience in real estate, finance and investing! He’s passionate about being a father, a teacher, a Realtor, an investor and a leader! Everyone has a story and our passion is to help them tell it! We never want you to miss an episode, so please be sure to subscribe. Could we ask you for two quick favors? If you like our program, please tell a friend. Wherever you get your podcasts please leave us a rating. It helps us to connect with quality people just like you! Reach out to Mike on Instagram @littonrealty! Want to meet with Mike? Check out! Thank you for joining us for The Mike Litton Experience!
Who you work with matters and we would be honored to interview with you or anyone you know to sell your home! If you have questions, please reach out text or call 760-522-1227. Thank you! #livinginsandiego, #movingtosandiego, #themikelittonexperience, #homesforsaleinsandiego, #mikelitton, #sellahomeinsandiego, #buyahomeinsandiego, #toptipstogetthebestoffer

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